The new Multitool for Euromac — up to 16 tools

The new Multitool is compatible with every Euromac punching machine, it can now mount up to 16 tools to cover every punching need.
Choose from 92 different tools, getting the configuration that best suits the job. Automatically tool change in just 0.3 second.

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LANTEK CAD/CAM Software Products
Looking for a CAD/CAM software?
Italian Machinery Association offers LANTEK software products, the world’s largest provider of integrated CAD, CAM, Nesting, MES, ERP, and Business Manufacturing Intelligence software solutions for the Sheet Metalworking segment with more than 18,000 customers, in more than 100 countries.
Our website is available in Estonian
We are happy to inform that our website is now available in Estonian language.

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