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Manufacturer's tips and tricks for sheet metal bending
Even though widespread, sheet metal bending remains a manufacturing area which can go wrong and become a bottleneck in production. Many factors should be considered by a manufacturer. There are several technical issues to evaluate with the bending radius and air bending, once sorted, it will be easier to decide whether new tooling should be acquired.
The added value of punching machines
Brescia based company GPB, are one of Euromac SPA’s oldest customers of our CNC punching machines. Managing director Mr. Gianluigi Peroni discusses the benefits of purchasing such a machine for the magazine Tecnolamiera.
Everything You Need To Know About CNC Machines
CNC machines are electro-mechanical devices that manipulate machine shop tools using computer programming inputs. Did you know? The name “CNC” actually stands for Computer Numerical Control and it represents methods to process materials and manufacture parts, using digital software files.

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