Lehtmetallitootjad kasutavad mitmesuguste kuju ja suurusega materjalide vormimiseks mitmesuguseid tööriistu ja masinaid. Täpne ja korduv lõikamine saavutatakse kõige paremini spetsiaalsete seadmete abil ning see võib hõlmata lõikamist, giljotiinimist, laserlõikamist, plasmalõikamist jne. Perforatsioonipress on veel üks suurepärane võimalus, mis aitab hallata metalli lõikamist ja me vaatame põhjalikult, kuidas see töötab.
Sheet Metal Laser Cutting: Process, Pros & Cons
Cutting operations are essential aspects of part fabrication in the manufacturing sector. One of the main techniques for metal fabrication is sheet metal laser cutting. It is suitable for cutting pieces of metals, alloys, and non-metals.
Sheet metal laser cutting is a thermal cutting process involving beams of light (lasers) on the workpiece to melt or vaporize materials until the desired shape is obtained. This technique is one of the most effective for cutting sheet metal.
Manufacturer's tips and tricks for sheet metal bending
Even though widespread, sheet metal bending remains a manufacturing area which can go wrong and become a bottleneck in production. Many factors should be considered by a manufacturer. There are several technical issues to evaluate with the bending radius and air bending, once sorted, it will be easier to decide whether new tooling should be acquired.